E-government in Malaysia : Its Implementation So Far and Citizen's Adoption Strategies

E-government is a short form for electronic government. E-government is also known as e-gov, digital government, transformational government and lastly online government. Basically, e-government is the use of technology to enhance the access to and delivery of government services to benefit citizens, business partners and employees.The local, state and federal government set up a central website where the public can find the public information, download government forms and contact government representatives. It involves computerized and automation of existing paper-based procedures. E-gov aims to make the interaction between government and citizens (G2C), government and business enterprises (G2B), and inter-agency relationships (G2G).

The implementations of e-government in Malaysia are:
a) Generic Office Environment (GEO)
b) Electronic Procurement (eP) Project
c) Human Resource Management Information System
d) Project Monitoring System (PMS)
e) Electronic Services Directory (eServices)
f) Electronic Labor Exchange (ELX)
g) E-Syariah

a. Generic Office Environment (GEO)
The goal of GEO is to introduce a fully integrated, distributed and scalable office environment that leverages the use of multimedia information technology. This project is to have an effective and efficient communication among the workers, allowing collaboration across the workers within the organisation and to ensure the right information reaching the right person in a timely manner.

b. Electronic Procurement (eP) Project
The aim of eP is to re-engineer, automate, and transform the current procurement system. Electronic procurement covers central contract, tender, and direct purchases. Besides, the use of eP is save time, money and encourages the electronic and joins K-economy.

c. Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)
HRMIS provide a single interface for government employees to perform human resource function effectively and efficiently in an integrated environment. It standardizes human resource processes for federal, state, statutory body and local authority services. HRMIS is not just record keeping but it also provide transactional functions such as employee selection, recruitment, leave application and loan processing.

d. Project Monitoring System (PMS)
PMS create a mechanism that monitors the project implementation throughout various government agencies and statutory bodies. Besides, it provides a platform to exchange idea and to demonstrate best practices in information management and communication services. PMS consist of 3 services which are Application Services, Data Services and Communication Services.
e. Electronic Services Directory (eServices)
It is a pilot project which allows the Malaysian citizens to engage in transactions with government and utilities payment such as telephone and electricity bills, police summons, Road and Transport Department Services and so forth. Besides, it is accessed through multi channel service delivery such as Internet and kiosks machine.

f. Electronic Labor Exchange (ELX)
ELX aim is to improve the mobilization of human resources and optimize work force utilization through systematic matching of job seekers to job vacancies. Besides, it also enables the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) to be one-step centre for labor market information that will be accessible to the public.

g. E-Syariah
The main aim of e-syariah is to implement the quality of service in syariah courts. Basically, it enhances Islamic Affairs Department’s effectiveness through better monitoring and co-ordination if its agencies and improves the management of its 102 syariah courts. E-syariah application consists of Syariah Court Case Management System, Office Automation System, E-syariah Portal, Syarie Lawyers Registration System and Library Management System.
* The above is adopt from an article wrote by Mohsin bin Haji Ahmad
Citizen’s adoption strategies
a) Customer satisfaction
E-government is able to increase customer satisfaction. Nowadays, customer is able to solve their inquiry and also enquiry through online government services. Whatever public information customer is able to obtain through the website and they don’t need to make a call to the office. Everything can be done online.

b) Service quality
Online service quality for e-Government could be measured in terms of quality of content provided on the website. The example would be the speed of responding to citizen’s query with a solution to it. Besides, there is also telephone and fax number of the personnel to whom the citizen might want to interact with about other mean if necessary.

c) Website design
The design of online government could build the relationship with the visitor and enhance their experience. This is due to the personalization of websites and customization of product offerings. Basically, it give visitors a sense of control and participation.

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